And Now The Summer Really Begins
Officially, summer does not start for another two weeks, but if you are a kid or you happen to have one or two (or a few) of the little buggers, chances are summer started for you this week.
School’s out, school’s out. Teacher let the monkeys out. One went East. One went West. One went up the teacher’s… well, you get the picture. All hell’s broke loose and it is called summer.
Lucky me, my monkeys are spending the next several weeks at Grandma’s house. It’s just me, the spousal unit and my garden. Can you say “projects”? I knew you could.
This week marks a big milestone for most gardeners. Chances are, if you haven’t planted the vegetables, annuals, perennials and trees you had planned to (and meant to over the Memorial Day weekend), you had better get them in the ground RIGHT NOW. That ringing sound you hear is not tinnitus, it is just the sounds of frantic gardeners everywhere purchasing the last “must haves” for the season.
Heat is coming and will be coming fast. While we may enjoy the heat for the lovely tomatoes it brings, newly planted plants don’t like it so much.
That being said, this week also marks the start of the ever popular “It might live but if it doesn’t, eh, it was just a buck” season. Mal-Wart’s smiley face is moonlighting and prices at your local nursery or plant shop will be hitting rock bottom starting this weekend. That lovely perennial you just paid $20 for two weeks ago now has a sister sitting on half dead row for $5.
School’s out, sale’s on… Summer is here, ladies and gentlemen. What are you waiting for? Get out there and get gardening.