To Catch A Tomato Thief

It would seem that I need to apologize to my tomato plants for insulting their sexuality. It has come to my attention that my lack of red tomatoes is not due to their lack of reproductive vigor, but rather a Read more ›

Hanna’s Tomato Tastings 2009

This year has been terrible for tomatoes. Thanks to all this rain, the vines are strong and tall, but much like harem guards and eternally soprano choir boys, the reproductive point (or perhaps that should be round) of the species Read more ›

Winner of The Home Depot Giveaway

So, voting for the Home Depot Giveaway has been completed and the winner is… Drumroll please… Laurel and Her Chicken Little!!! It was a close vote but she was the final one with the most votes. Don, tell her what Read more ›

Home Depot $100 Giveaway Voting

I have once again been a bad, bad blogger. No posts for 3 weeks! I should be ashamed. I will go right now and flog myself extensively with a wet noodle for my blogging transgressions. But, I promise that I Read more ›