

Regarding my Faith in Cleveland Weather

The other day, I posted about my despair on the devastation of my magnolia blossoms. melissa c, a new reader (and I am thrilled to have her!), commented this: Come on girl! Where is your faith? Miracles still happen! It Read more ›

Magnolia Devastation

devastation – (n) : the act of devastating, or the state of being devastated; a laying waste That there, pictured to the right, is a branch of a magnolia. Not just any magnolia, but a magnolia that is literally bigger Read more ›

Gardening is Hell On a Wardrobe

Well, that does it. I just did in my last pair of jeans that still had clean knees. I didn’t mean to. I was just walking into the house, groceries in arms and clean jeans on. But I spotted the Read more ›